College of languages is committed to developing students’ ability to communicate effectively in their target language, to conduct further study and research or pursue a career that requires advanced language skills, and to understand the complex world in which they will be citizens. In addition, our students are taught to approach literature from analytical and cultural perspectives that will prepare them for graduate study. Since the study of language and literature helps students cross-disciplinary and cultural borders as well as geographical ones, our students become culturally sensitive, develop a tolerance for ambiguity, think creatively about solving problems and communicate in diverse ways.


The Kurdish department aims to enhance students’ abilities to introduce Kurdish language and literature. To achieve this end, the department’s programs have been tailored in such a way that they provide meticulous details on the theories and directions of language on the one hand and provide a grounding to discuss concepts of linguistics and applied linguistics on the other hand. In addition to the linguistic topics, literature is another constituent of the department’s fabric. Literature aids the students in developing reflective and critical skills, and within the literature modules, students are trained to think and behave logically and scientifically. Therefore, the Kurdish department,


  • To educate students to obtain an accredited bachelor’s and/or higher education degree in the field of (Kurdish language and literature).
  • To create a competent and expert personality in such a way that they will have a scientific mind to research and explore the cultural, linguistic, and literary wealth of our nation.
  • To train students on (logical thinking, evaluation, analytical ability, and scientific discussion).
  • To introduce students to various scientific resources and teach them how to write scientific research following a specific method.